The stock images available on 123RF are provided by contributing photographers and illustrators. Contributors can register for a free account with and submit their work. After submitting their photographs in JPG or illustrations in EPS, footages in MOV, WMV & MP4 or audio clips and music in AIFF, MP3 (320 kbp/s, 44.1 kHz) & WAV (16-bit 44.1 kHz), the contributor must describe and keyword each content. Thereafter, the content will then be sent through an approval process that will take from 24 to 72 hours. Once approved, content will be made searchable on 123RF via a search engine. Customers who visit will search and then license these JPG or EPS files for commercial use.
Apart from providing stock images, 123RF is also an online community for designers and photographers to share their ideas through blog posts and interviews. The site features a Photoshop Tutorial contributed by experienced designers with tutorials ranging from intermediate to difficult levels. 123RF also offers Image Enlargement services to its clients.
Saving at 123RF
Images of 123RF are licensed through credit or subscription packages. Credit offer users “pay-as-you-go” convenience while subscriptions provide affordable downloads for organizations that require fresh images on a daily basis. Files can be downloaded immediately, and used in almost any applications. At the same time, subscribers of 123RF get to use the Corporate Stock Intranet (CSI) System. CSI allow users to organize, manage and keep track of image downloads through a personalized website.
All approved images are uploaded to the searchable online database. Images cost between 1 and 470 credits, depending on size and image collection with credits ranging from $.21 to $1.00 USD each. Image size starts from Small up to 300MB TIFF. 123RF also markets vector graphics made in programs such as Adobe Illustrator or Macromedia Freehand; or image editors like Adobe Photoshop.
A litte history of 123RF
Since its début in June 2005, 123RF hosts over 35,000,000 stock photographs, vector illustrations, editorial images, footage and exclusive logo design featuring various genres and themes with over 100,000 contributing photographers and illustrators.
In year 2010, 123RF had relaunched its website that offered faster response plus a modernized and sleeker interface furnished with several added features. A mobile-enabled website was also created to cater to clients who own an iPhone, iPod or other 3G enabled device.