To start your own business is not only difficult, but usually very expensive. It might take a lot of time, energy and it will require you to spend a lot of money. You might have an idea of how money you will need for the beginning, but just when you start, you understand how wrong you were. Of course, there are businesses where not much equipment is needed and it makes everything much easier, but most of the businesses do require that and some people realize that it is too much, and just drop the whole idea of starting their business. But there are ways how to make it easier and not so expensive.
First of all, if your business requires renovation of a space that you are renting or bought, do not rush to hire some workers. Find a person who knows about these things and ask for consultation to find out what kind of things need to be done to create a space that you want. When you know that, try to find people among your friends who could do that or even try to do some things yourself. There are many things that you can do without any experience. It might take a little bit longer, but if will definitely save you some money.
However, if you do not trust online ads, you can always talk to the owners who are planning to close their businesses or do renovation. They usually have many things that they do not need anymore and might give them for free or for a very low price. This might not be the easiest way and it requires some courage, but it is worth to try.
There are many ways how to lower the expenses of starting your own business. At first it might seem to be difficult and you might need to use a lot of creativity, but it is possible. Do not rush to spend money where it is not needed and everything will be much easier.