MaxCDN is a leading name in the world of web hosting and content delivery.
MaxCDN stands for Maximum Content Delivery Network. It was founded in Los Angeles, California in 2009 by Chris Euland. It has since made a high-standing reputation within a short period of time. MaxCDN offers very high speed content delivery services to a variety of business and individuals. In just over six years from their inception MaxCDN has managed to engage over 20,000 businesses and individuals in their content delivery loop.
What MaxCDN can provide to your business
If you are a business owner or an owner of any website, you would know how important it is to have your website loading times optimised to minimum. If your website takes 2 seconds more than average to load, 45% of the users are going to switch to some other website. If you website takes 4 more seconds than average to load, you can rest assured that you will have lost more than 80% of your traffic. So, it makes sense that businesses have websites that load quick and load right. That’s where MaxCDN comes in. With a network of over 50 high density and high security server assemblies in place all over the world, MaxCDN makes sure that when a user visits your website, the content you have uploaded on the website is delivered to the user in a flash – making the user experience prompt and nice. This ensures that you don’t lose any of your valuable traffic, and it turn, potential customers.
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MaxCDN has been an active advocate of paperless office spaces. They have evolved a completely methodical work systems where more than 95% of the tasks are completed without wasting valuable resources like paper. MaxCDN has also participated in many environmental activism event aimed at creating awareness about the state of our environment among people.
MaxCDN is a champion of open source softwares and has employed many of the open source software engineers and programmers to create an automated solution hierarchy that is expected to go live in 2016. At MaxCDN, quality of the service matters the most. The MaxCDN customer service center was recently lauded with the best Software Customer Support by Yahoo Business.
To use MaxCDN’s bespoke services at discounted rates, you need to just apply the MaxCDN coupons while checking out at MaxCDN web store.