Paragon Sports occasionally offers exclusive promotional codes to customers who sign up for an account. These premium offers provide limited time discounts on Paragon Sports merchandise.
To apply a code that you have received, proceed through checkout. Once you’re on the payment page, enter the code exactly as it appears in the "Using a Promo Code” field. Codes are case sensitive. Click apply to activate that code. If your discount qualifies, it will be displayed in your payment summary. If the product is excluded from the promotion or the code is expired, the code will not apply. Only one promo code per order will be applied.
About Paragon Sports
For sports enthusiasts around the world, Paragon Sports is considered the benchmark of quality for all types of sports equipment and clothing. Privately owned since 1908, they have taken pride in showcasing products from the brands you know and love as well as unique and exceptional brands that you may not be familiar with yet. You will find everything you need (and more) in a unique "Specialty Shop" environment within our huge single store located at 18th Street and Broadway in New York City.
At Paragon Sports, they are committed to bringing you the most innovative and technologically advanced products in the sports and outdoor field. It is their mission to provide a unique and fulfilling shopping experience to every customer, every time, by setting the standard in customer service and quality product.
Save Big at Paragon Sports
Paragon Sports provides the widest range of sports apparel and gear. Track pants, sports shoes, sweatshirts, caps, gloves, bags, sports equipments, accessories- you name it! The site offers Summer Sale with up to 40% off on a wide range of merchandise, round-the-yearsales and clearance sales of up to 50% on brand new, original Paragon Sports merchandise to further enrich your online shopping experience, making phenomenal savings at the same time.
If you sign up on the site and create an account for the first time you receive a exclusive discount on your next online purchase. Also, you can receive new product information and exclusive promotions, view order history and tracking information, save billing and shipping addresses for quick checkout, save mi Paragon Sports custom designs, create a Wish List for your favorite products and enjoy other such benefits.