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Driven by passionate people and a common purpose P&G brings beloved brands to consumers around the world. The production is marketed in more than 180 countries around the world. Responsibility of is to be an ethical corporate citizen. is providing branded products and services of superior quality and value that improve the lives of the world’s consumers, now and for generations to come. serves nearly 5 billion of the more than 7 billion people of the planet today. A shared purpose attracts and unites an extraordinary group of people around the world. represent more than 140 nationalities together. P&G is recognized as a top company for leaders. The values of P&G are considered trust, integrity, ownership, leadership and passion for winning. P&G states that it hires only the best,- nearly a half-million people apply for P&G jobs every year, however, only less than 1% is hired, therefore, P&G workers are professional and their customer service is of the highest quality. P&G states that it never stops learning despite its long-term experience. At career milestones some programs for P&G workers are offered. P&G is focusing on 5 core strengths required to win in the consumer products industry. P&G is designed to lead in each of these areas and they are as follows: consumer understanding, scale, innovation, Go-to-Market Capabilities and Brand-Building. Get P&G coupons at, become a customer of this valuable worldwide business and get their production with up to 25% discount.

Partners and Suppliers of P&G

P&G has focused on the business strategy of supplier diversity since the mid of 1970s. When P&G invests with diverse suppliers it not only strentghens the company‘s innovations and go-to-market capabilities but also touches and improves the lives of the women and men who work in these companies,- and through them their families and the communities in which they live and work. P&G is only one of just 19 corporations on the Billion Dollar Roundtable, an exclusive group of companies that invest a billion dollars a year or more with minority and women-owned agencies, suppliers or external businesses. In 2013 P&G received the Distinguished Supplier Diversity Award from the US Department of Commerce‘s Minority Business Development Agency. Get P&G coupon at and enjoy this supplier diversity with P& 

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