The Rugged Races is a nationwide event that takes an ordinary run and turns it into an adventure filled with obstacles, much reflecting our daily lives. The race takes place in about 23 different states in America and the highlight of their run has to be the types of obstacle courses that people will be facing. Rugged Maniac incorporates all sorts of elements to create a challenging series of obstacles that will transform any run into a boot camp experience! Commando-crawl your way through one obstacle and you’ll eventually come across the Antigravity which will have you jumping on 2 trampolines to clear through. The Frog Hop obstacle will test your balance as you jump on “lilypads” while The Ringer tests your upper body strength.
The Warped Wall will have you needing to rely on teamwork if you want to get across while the Pyromaniac requires you to jump over flaming logs to clear through. Claustrophobia on the other hand, requires you to crawl through dark tunnels and this will undoubtedly trigger all sorts of dark, fearful thoughts as you try to clear this obstacle! The Ninja Escape requires you to move swiftly without touching the ground and your race will finish with awesomeness as you slide down a 50-foot waterslide! Redeem a Rugged Maniac promo code and challenge yourself with the Rugged Races today!
Using the Rugged Maniacs Coupons
Begin by picking out a Rugged Maniac coupon that you would like to use and click on it to obtain necessary information. Key in the code or shop within promotions to get your slot at a cheaper price and don’t forget to tell your friends too so that they too can join in on the discounts. This method of extreme couponing might just motivate your friend to lead an active lifestyle and don’t forget to tell them about the after-party that awaits everyone! So check our page for the best deals and you can be on your way to joining a fun and exciting obstacle course.