Created by two brothers Marc and Robert Schlachter, this store from the beginning had a very humble start. At first, two brothers were selling used name-brand athletic shoes to underprivileged families at the local market. With this mission, they soon started to ship those shoes to over areas all over the world, primarily to the poorest third-world countries, and so become famous for their charitable work. At that time this company had different name, but after the huge recognition, Schlachter brothers decided to name it Shoebacca and move to internet, which would help to set the tone of this new business and outreach the program too.
So, at 2002 Shoebacca was officially born under the current name. At the same year this company also established itself as a reseller on eBay and grew numbers of new clients as well. And only at 2007 spring, was officially launched too, after a number of successful years operating at eBay platform. After that, this store quickly become a leader of retail market, offering thousands and thousands of styles by many different names of brands at the very competitive prices too. Affordable, quality full and accessible items made this company super successful and ready to grow even more in the future.
What can you get at Shoebacca
Well, as you might get it yourself, at Shoebacca you will be able to shop for many different shoes, but apart from that, also complete your look with apparel items and coolest accessories too. At this store you can easily shop by categories, brands or just by the popularity of some items and get in touch with what is on right now.
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