TaxSlayer Coupons

Zero Out of Pocket Fees

Deduct your filing fees right from your federal tax refund.
  • 3 People Used Today
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Guaranteed Maximum Refund guarantees that you will receive the maximum refund.
  • 1 People Used Today
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Estimate Your Tax Refund Amount

Estimate your Federal refund today with the tax refund calculator.
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Expired Coupons

Extra 20% Off Federal Tax Return

Get additional 20% off federal tax return for new customers.
  • Expired on 03/02/2016
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More Info About the Store

When tax season rolls around, advertisements for online tax preparation are everywhere. TaxSlayer stands out from the rest because it began as a brick-and-mortar tax firm. Unlike most tax preparation websites, which have only been around for a short time, TaxSlayer has been in business for 40 years and has an established reputation. When you use TaxSlayer, you get all the knowledge and experience that has contributed to these decades of success. It should come as no surprise, then, that people who use TaxSlayer get bigger refunds than those who use any other tax preparation program. In fact, TaxSlayer is so confident that their experts will get you the biggest refund possible that they are willing to back that up with a 100% guarantee. When you get your TaxSlayer promo code from, you can save big and rest easy knowing without doubt that you are maximizing your refund.

Easy, risk free filling

Making a mistake on your taxes can be worse than simply not getting the full refund that you’re entitled to. It doesn’t matter whether you made a simple error or oversight by accident. If you under pay, you will not only have to pay the back taxes you owe but also have penalties AND interest to cope with. TaxSlayer makes it easy to avoid errors by giving you access to IRS publications and an overview of changes to tax laws so that you can find up-to-date information without hassle. Plus, you can get individual answers to your questions: simply submit your question, and one of TaxSlayer’s trained professionals will research your question and contact you within one business day with an answer. No more navigating confusing Q&A sections and trying to decipher puzzling documents. As if that weren’t enough, TaxSlayer also eliminates the risk of an honest mistake leading to financial disaster with their 100% accuracy guarantee. TaxSlayer is so confident in its state of the art error checker that if you end up paying penalties or interest due to a TaxSlayer mistake, they will cover the cost. With a 100% accuracy AND a 100% guarantee that you will receive the maximum refund, there is nothing to worry about. You don’t even need to pay up front: if you are receiving a refund you can simply have TaxSlayer deduct their fee from the money you get back. Get you TaxSlayer coupon from today, and save on easy filing that gives you peace of mind.

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January 22nd
  • 3 active TaxSlayer Coupons & Promo Codes

  • Visitors save an average of $2.08

It might seem like tax season is a long way off, but time flies, and the key to making your taxes pain-free and getting your return fast is preparation. That’s why so many people are taking advantage of a special offer from and using a TaxSlayer coupon to get a great deal that will make filing easy and worry-free. You can not only use TaxSlayer to file your return but also use their refund calculator to plan ahead so that you can plan months in advance to maximize your return or budget for any taxes you might owe. New customers can enjoy a 20% discount, returning customers can receive a free gift, and active-duty military personnel can file their federal return online for free with a TaxSlayer promo code from