USPS Coupon Codes

More Info About the Store

Since 1775 when Benjamin Franklin was appointed as the first Postmaster General, USPS has developed to be more than just about postal services. They have grown alongside America and with the introduction of new technologies we welcome into our daily lives. We take a look at the progress USPS made in 3 centuries, beginning with 1847 when the U.S. postage stamps were first issued. In 1855, USPS introduced the system of prepayment and in 1860, the Pony Express began. The uses of horses to deliver people’s mails were indeed, revolutionary.

In 1863, USPS introduced free city delivery and in 1874, the General Postal Union was established to coordinate postal policies among some countries like Germany, Egypt, Austria-Hungary and more. The concept of commemorative stamps that we are used to now was first issued in 1893. Parcel Post began in 1913 and scheduled airmail services kicked off 5 years later. Till today, USPS works hard to deliver your mails and packages in the quickest, most efficient way possible!

Product and Services of USPS

In today’s world, technology rules everything and that includes how we communicate with each other. USPS did not fall back in this modern world but instead, they adapted rather well to it! Their services include Business Customer Gateway which is a platform specifically for those who carry out businesses that require a routine mailing of parcels and goods.

The U.S. Postal Inspection Service also comes under USPS and as their name suggest, this body helps consumers who are dealing with mail fraud, mail theft, identity theft and such issues. U.S. citizens can also check out the list of crime alerts like foreign lottery fraud, charity fraud, reshipping scam as well as viewing the Most Wanted list by state. The Postal Explorer website provides users with all information related to mailing packages.

To explore the services of USPS, redeem a USPS coupon that is the most applicable to you and use it as you are on the USPS website. You can then select the next USPS coupon code you would like to use and the cycle continues! We at Chameleon John will continue adding on new online deals for you to select from so you can get the best of USPS’s services.  

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February 10th
  • 0 active USPS Offers, Deals & Promotions

  • Visitors save an average of $7.83

The United States Postal Service (USPS) works hard to get your posts and packages sent on time while always “delivering solutions to the last mile,” as they say. Chameleon John is now introducing USPS coupons that can go a long way for you. Get a USPS coupon that entitles you to 25% off together with free shipping or redeem a discount code that gives you 3% off postage items. Stamp collectors, we bring to you a variety of deals that will have you expanding your stamp collection in no time such as getting up to 60% off clearance items. For people who have not used USPS services before, get a free sample of how efficient their delivery system is as you redeem a USPS coupon code for a free first ride! Wait no longer and explore the USPS website because they surely have more to offer than just postal services.