Carowinds is a huge amusement park located on the border between North and South Carolina. The park was opened in 1973, and was a result of four-year planning period spearheaded by businessman Earl Patterson Hall. He can be named as a real father of Carowinds park. Hall got the idea about the park like this after the tip to Disneyland in 1956, but he dreamed about bringing the two states closer together and that is why this amusement park is located on the border of two states. The dream park was envisioned to be as a component of large resort which would be consisted of hotels, shopping centers, a golf course, and even an NFL stadium. Unfortunately, the attendance of this park was small during the 1973 oil crisis, and all these dreams hadn’t had a chance to become a reality. But all these goods are still in mind of the businessmen who runs Carowinds.
After founding out about other ways to attract visitors, Carowinds now host the annual Festival of Music, which allows music students to play in public performances and receive comments and ratings from nationally recognized professionals in music. Bands, choirs, show choirs, and orchestras can all play for ratings and check their strengths and weaknesses. This festival is a true candy for all the visitors, despite other great attractions in the park. Just visit it yourself and enjoy the true spirit of Carolina now!
What can you find at Carowinds
There are many things to do at Carowinds, such as thrill rides, which can be enjoyed by families who loves the adrelanine, also Planet Snoopy, which features peanuts themed rides and attractions, also many different family rides, also Boomerang Bay, where you can relax and also have fun with tsunami-sized thrills. Also, get in the line to get to the Fast Line, and the best live entertainment shows, which can be enjoyed by the whole family. Carowinds also host special events there too, like festivals or drive-in movie theaters, and also has a lot of places to eat. Moreover, there are real alive dinosaurs there as well, which claws and roars!
Get there soon and 50% cheaper with Carowinds coupons. Only they can get you a cheaper pass to all the attractions there. Moreover, with Carowinds promo code you can get general admission tickets for $35-$40. Get them all, pack your stuff and get on the road trip to the best Carowinds amusement park in the area.