If you are going away where it is really hot or you live in a place like this, it is really important to protect yourself from the sun. A little bit of tan is nice, but too much sun can do a lot of harm for your health. It is important to do that, but how? You can’t just stay inside all the time, can you? Here are few tips how to enjoy the sun and good weather without harming yourself:
- Drink a lot of fluids – sun can not only burn your skin, but it can also easily dehydrate you, that is why it is important to drink lots of water, even if you do not feel thirsty all the time. If it is really hot, drink warm drinks, such like tea. When it is warm, warm drinks hydrate you more than just cold water.
- Wear hats – again, if you want to protect yourself from too much sun and dehydration, wear hats. Do not think how you look; it is not about fashion, but about your health! If the top of your head gets too hot, chances are that you will get sunstroke! Wear big hats that cover your face and shoulders. You can get really big and nice hats using Coolibar coupon and not to worry about getting sunburnt.
- Use sunscreen – the bigger SPF, the better! Tan looks nice for a while, but too much tanning makes your skin wrinkly much faster. It is good to get some color, but do not go overboard with it and always use sunscreen. Even when you are going for a swim. Why? Because in the water, you can get tan much faster than lying on the beach for half a day. So, even if you or your kids plan to spend more time in the water than actually tanning, be sure to wear sunscreen.
It is important to take care of your skin, and while you might think that getting sunburnt is not so bad, it can do a bigger harm for your overall health than you think. Do not let your one short vacation ruin the rest of your life, so wear the right clothes, drink fluids frequently, and always wear sunscreen!