8 Tips on How to Have a Cheap Holiday Party

  1. Don’t waste money on invitations. If your party is formal or semi-formal, a simple Facebook invitation won’t do. Although as funny as it sounds, an e-mail is completely okay. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars and even more time writing and printing letters, do a simple, yet welcoming invitation via e-mail.
  2. Lower your requirements. A good party doesn’t necessarily mean that it has to have a DJ, free food and a variety of alcohol in a fancy place with expensive decorations. One of the best parties are created by the people who come there, not the place they come to, so don’t overthink and enjoy the company instead.
  3. Skip the main course. Instead of serving everyone an expensive dinner or free pizza, depending on your party theme, you could offer them a variety of snacks. Snacks fill up the stomach quickly and will make them feel satisfied, without turning your wallet into Sahara Desert.
  4. Ease out on alcohol. And by no means we mean that you shouldn’t serve it. Instead of buying 10 kinds of whiskey, exclusive craft beer, champagne and everything else, do a themed alcohol party. Countless parties saved their budget by only buying only wine and calling it a French themed party, so use this to your advantage.themed party
  5. Themed parties. By creating a theme for your holiday party, not only you will have an easy plan for it, but you will save a lot of cash on small things including food, decorations and alcohol as mentioned above, so go ahead and throw that Tequila shots party and get wasted.
  6. Use your house. A lot of people tend to rent out restaurants and other fancy places for their parties for any small celebration and we think that this is ridiculous. If your party isn’t something as big as your wedding, you can always throw it in your home and avoid spending your money on something as ridiculous as this. You can even throw it outside and call it a picnic, this way you will even save time to clean up since no one likes to leave their trash out in the wild.
  7. Fine-tune your guest list. The more people you have at your party, the more money you will have to spend. Remember that it’s your duty to entertain and feed everyone, and that costs not only money, but your time as well. Do yourself and your guests a favor and don’t invite people who are too needy or bossy – they will only end up making you run errands for them since they feel entitled, just because they’re the guest.
  8. Make your guests participate too! If you’re on really tight budget, you can turn a party organizing into a party itself. Tell people to bring their food and alcohol with the idea that it’s a cooking competition or any other fun activity, then eat all their food and announce yourself the judge without them even realizing that you’re broke. It’s a perfect win-win situation!